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Bug Aside
Pest Control and Maintenance Service

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Who We Are

Fast, friendly, and fully functional, our professional Pest Control Service is well renowned throughout Sydney NSW.

Our PARTNERSHIP with our Customers.
We provide written assessment of the necessary treatment needed.
Our professional advise is available for prevention and solutions for our client's pest control needs.
We desire partnership and create a workable and achievable options to meet the needs of our clients in the most possible way.
We are contactable anytime and our regular reminders will keep your schedule on time for the next service needed.

Our Integrity, experience is your TRUST.
We have been servicing the community for more than 15 years. Our technicians are well-skilled in studies, years of practice and experience. 
Bug Aside Pest Control is ready at your service for all types of treatment service- Domestic, Commercial and Industrial.

Contact us to learn more about our incredible staff and how they can help you!

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Our Expertise​

Areas of Service

At Bug Aside Pest Control and Maintenance Service, we hold ourselves to the highest standards with the services we offer, and in every aspect of the work we do. Our workforce is highly trained and qualified to meet all your needs, dedicated to offering diverse and specialized services tailored to our client’s unique preferences and situation. Take a look at some of the services we offer below.

Industrial Worker

Industrial/Commercial Services

Common pests such as rats, mice and cockroaches can carry bacteria and viruses, and can contaminate food and food contact surfaces. Pest sightings, and food contamination due to pests, result in a large number of customer complaints.
The legal requirements The Food Standards Code requires food businesses to take all practicable measures to:
 prevent pests entering the food premises
 eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests on the food premises. Practicable measures to prevent entry of pests include:  sealing all holes, gaps and cracks in walls and ceilings
 installing and maintaining flyscreens to windows and door openings
 keeping doors closed when not in use
 installing weather strips at the base of doors.
Practicable measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests include:
 regular checks for signs of pests
 maintaining the food premises and equipment in a clean condition (a cleaning schedule may assist)
 keeping food covered in sealed containers
 storing food, equipment and food containers above the floor
 keeping garbage storage areas clean and tidy
 removing rubbish regularly and making sure that external areas (outside bin areas) are clean and well-maintained
 removing unused equipment and fixtures from the premises
 implementing a suitable pest control program which may require the services of a licensed pest controller.

Termite Control

Termite Control

Could Your Home be at Risk for Termites?

Chomp, chomp, chomp.  You would never be able to hear it, but at this very moment thousands of termites could be eating away through your home - unseen and unknown until it's too late. Termites are known as "silent destroyers" because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. As a result of their stealth nature, termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year. Damage, which is typically not covered by homeowners' insurance.

As the ground warms in spring, termites, much like every insect in nature, begin stirring and coming out of their overwintering spots in search of food. In the case of termites, they are looking for new structures to settle their million member colonies.  Before a colony finds an appropriate structure, their search team will investigate available options. 

If you suspect a termite problem, contact a pest professional right away who can confirm that a problem exists and determine the best course of action. Termites cannot be controlled with do-it-yourself measures.

©2017 National Pest Management Association

Modern Apartment


Have you ever heard that killing a killer bee will attract the hive and swarm you? Using a wrong elimination method will have the same consequences with many pests. Bees will swarm and mice can scatter, carrying diseases like the deadly Hantavirus, when their nest is disturbed. Using an exterminator means having someone who knows how to deal with potential nests and the risks inherent with treating them.

You can buy hazardous sprays and try to rid yourself of disease-carrying pests, but using a top-tier pest control service ensures full extermination all year-round. Plus, you can rest assured your family will be safe from harmful chemicals. So save yourself some time and money by using a professional, guaranteed service and ridding your home of pesky invaders.



Bed Bug Control

The common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) has long been a pest – feeding on blood, causing itchy bites and generally irritating their human hosts. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) all consider bed bugs a public health pest. However, unlike most public health pests, bed bugs are not known to transmit or spread disease.

They can, however, cause other public health issues, so it’s important to pay close attention to preventing and controlling bedbugs.

Get the results you deserve with this quality service, and at an affordable price too! Our qualified team of professionals bring their experience and know-how with them on every job. But what really sets our services apart from the rest of the industry is our attention to detail and receptiveness to the unique needs of each client.

©2017 National Pest Management Association

Pest Control

Garden Pest Control

Lawn and Garden
Pests come in a variety of forms: weeds, insects, animals, molds, and fungi to name a few. The need to control outdoor pests varies. Having some weeds in your garden or some grubs in your lawn may be tolerable. However, certain pests present serious threats in some years. Some pests can damage human and animal health, such as mosquitoes that carry diseases. (

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"Two thumbs up. If you’re in need of an honest, professional, and reliable Pest Control Service, then look no further than Bug Aside Pest Control and Maintenance Service. I’ve relied on the service providers from Bug Aside Pest Control and Maintenance Service on numerous occasions, and have yet to be disappointed.”

Avery Smith

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